Snappy Security Overview

Your data is protected.

Emails and files sent to Snappy are instantly written to multiple disks. All data is backed up multiple times per day.

Professionally maintained infastructure.

Managing servers today is more complicated than ever. That's why we've enlisted the professional team at EngineHosting to manage all our server and network infastructure. Their deep knowledge and professional team of server admins helps us provide maximum performance and uptime.

Redundant infastructure.

Our servers, network and underlying physical components are redundant and professional maintained.

Have more questions?

We're always available to answer your questions. You can find us on our Snappy FAQ page.

Report a security incident.

Thank you for your concern.

Your input and feedback on security is always appreciated. We take securing customer data extremely seriously and it's a top priority for us.

Reporting problems.

To report a non-security related issue please contact us via the normal support channel. To report a security finding please contact us.

Please do not publicly disclose these details without express written consent from us. In reporting any suspected vulnerabilities, please include the following information:

  • Steps to reproduce the issue in Snappy
  • Screenshot of the resulting error if appropriate
  • Your name as it should be displayed on this page if you would like it to be
  • Your Twitter handle or website as it should be displayed

How we handle compensation requests.

We don't provide monetary compensation in connection with any identified or possible vulnerability. Such requests are not compatible with our security incident policy.

For professional security researchers:

  • Please do not use automatted scanning tools without a very narrow scope.
  • Do not modify any data outside of test accounts. Vulnerabilities of that nature should be reported without cross account data modification.

Thanks for working with us.

The following researchers have taken the time to identify and report security concerns with Snappy. Their work is truly appreciated. View

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